Uniform Dress Code
Belmont Preparatory High School has adopted a strict dress code. Parents are responsible for making sure their child comes dressed ready for school every day. Students will be greeted at the door by a school staff member. Students not in dress code will not be allowed into the classrooms, until they have had a meeting with guidance staff. Belmont Preparatory reserves the right to hold any hats or other headgear of a non-religious nature. Students will also need to have their Physical Education uniform for their P.E. class. If a student is excused from wearing their uniforms (field trips or special activities) they will have that permission in writing, otherwise the dress code is enforced. Failure to adhere to Belmont Prep. H.S. Dress code is a violation of DOE Code of Behavioral Expectations and Belmont Prep. Code of Conduct and may result in student being prohibited from participation in extra-curricular activities including PSAL Athletics.