Grading Policy
The grading policy described below has been adopted by Belmont Preparatory High School and it is to be used to calculate a student’s grade in all courses. All grade books must reflect this policy. Belmont Preparatory High School uses the Department of Education Gradebook Application, “Grades, Attendance, Messaging” or GAMA. The information from the gradebook application will be available to families in the NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) Portal and in Google Classroom.
Teachers will assign all tasks, assignments and assessments in Google Classroom. Students are responsible for turning in all assignments and assessments in Google Classroom using the TURN-IN function. Teachers will grade all TURNED-IN assignments in google classroom.
Assessments and assignments missed due to excused absences or hardship caused by the pandemic or difficulties with remote learning, can be made up. Teachers will provide students with the time and support needed to make up for missed work. Teachers must record and share an improvement plan for each student at risk of failing a course, two weeks prior to the end of each marking period. The plan must clearly list the tasks, assignments and assessments needed for the student to achieve a passing grade based on gradebook weights and averages.
Each semester is divided into three marking periods, during each Marking Period students will receive 12 formative activities/assessments, 4 summative activities/assessment. All activities/assessments must be given a due date when assigned. In addition to Marking Period Grades, Interim Progress Reports will be provided for Marking Periods 2 and 3.
Teachers are available for tutoring in all subjects from 2:00 - 3:00 PM every day of the week. The Grading Policy is found in the Student Handbook.
Summative Assessments
12 assignments required per marking period, 30 minutes max per assignment!
These may include class activities such as: collaboration and discussion; Engagement in annotation protocols evidence by an evaluation of the student’s work; Engagement in student centered activities; Laboratory experimentation, homework as well as the evaluation of a student’s productive struggle evidenced by the student’s work. These activities must be graded and recorded in the grade book in accordance with accepted rubrics.
Each activity/assessment may be composed of multiple tasks, but must be packaged and assigned as a single Google Classroom Assignment and can not exceed the 30 minutes maximum.
Formative Assessments
4 assignments/assessments (maximum) per marking period, 45 minutes max per assignment/assessment!
An important part of the student’s grade is performance on summative type assessments. These assessments are uniform for a unit course of study within a department. Summative assessment categories include: Unit/midterm/ final assessments or exams, unit written tasks such as research projects or any other culminating activities that can be used to assess curricular units of study, within a marking period. No more than four of these types of assessments will be provided to students within a marking period.
Each Summative Assessment/Assignment for the marking period must be properly named and assigned in Google Classroom under the correct marking period “topic” and under the Summative Assessments Category, for example:
Each assignment/assessment can be composed of multiple tasks, but must be packaged and assigned as a single Google Classroom Assignment and can not exceed the 45 minutes maximum.
Written Homework
Written homework may be assigned as Summative or Formative Assessment depending on the rigor of the task(s). Assigned regularly in all major subjects as an extension of what was learned during class that day or as part of an ongoing project. Students should expect to spend approximately 20 minutes per major subject each night (or it's equivalent) on homework. Homework is usually due the following day. Teachers may assign homework for an extended period of time and set a homework due date, this is usually the case with homework packets or Missed homework must be made up and submitted for partial credit. Students may be provided with opportunities for extra credit assignments to improve their final grade. Students should first complete their regularly assigned work to qualify for extra credit work.